We offer different international shipping methods . You can choose your preferred method on the checkout page. The cost of shipping varies based on the shipping method selected.

Please read below to help guide your shipping selection for the smoothest arrival process.


Once your order is successfully packed for shipment, please check your tracking number on your email, the shipment would updated to you.

Adaychic is not responsible for:

  • Delays with US Postal Service or FedEx shipping
  • International Duties or Customs Charges
  • If a package is shipped back to us due to an incorrectly entered address or undeliverable address.
  • Lost, damaged, or marked delivered items. To file a claim with the carrier, please click one of the following links: FedEx Claims Support,USPS Claims Support or UPS Claims Support


Shipping Method

Estimated Delivery Time

Shipping Cost

Standard Shipping

10-20 Business Days


(Free shipping over $99)

Expedited Shipping

5-10 Business Days

$15.99 (Coming Soon)


Delivery times are estimated AFTER shipping and based on business days (Monday-Friday) and do not include holidays. We do not ship on Saturdays or Sundays.

Standard shipping orders take 5-10 business days to be processed and packaged before being shipped out of our warehouse.

Please note: During high peak seasons, this may take longer due to high order volume.


    • It is the buyer's responsibility to make sure that they enter the correct shipping address. We are not responsible if a package is shipped back to us due to an incorrect or undeliverable address. In order to ensure that the packages are received as soon as possible, pleace cancel/change your order or change its addressa in a minimal time gap, and contact us here as soon as you place your order. We will do our best to make the change; however, we cannot guarantee that all could be repalce.
    • If there is a problem with your tracking number or package delivery, please contact the courier directly before contacting us. In some rare cases, tracking information may not be up to date, but you will still receive your order. Please allow 1-4 business days for your tracking information to update. And contact us after the estimated delivery time has passed.
    • All our shipments include Tracking with Delivery Confirmation. If your tracking information confirms that the package has been delivered to your order address, but you have not received it, please contact the carrier directly to investigate this issue. We cannot be held accountable for packages where tracking information states the package has been delivered to your order address.

    Carrier Contact Numbers:

    • USPS: 1-800-275-8777
    • FedEx: 1-800-463-3339
    • International USPS: 1-800-222-1811


    • We want to offer our customers an extra layer of assurance, and we are happy to announce Route as an option for our customers to add to all their purchases.Route is a shipping insurance company that offers shipping protection.  
    • Route Package Protection covers lost, stolen, and damaged items.  When replacing an item, Route covers the subtotal of the order, the Route premium, shipping costs, and taxes.  Route does not pay custom/duty fees. For a detailed breakdown of Route's official insurance policy, please reference their help center here.
    • File a claim with Route by visiting claims.route.com